how to choose your stance on a snowboard, advice by Wed'ze

How to choose your stance and why do you need to know it?

How to choose your stance on a snowboard? What is it for? We tell you all!

What is stance?

When snowboarding, the "stance" is the distance between the front and back foot. 
It is a very important characteristic as it has a major influence on your riding style and depends on different parameters. 

Stance is a very personal thing. Although the internet and specialised forums are full of methods and smart formula to find THE perfect stance, it is first and foremost a question of feeling! Each snowboarder must find the stance they feel comfortable with. It is very frequent to see snowboarders with identical bodies, equipped with the same type of board, with very different stances.

During your first riding days, always take a screwdriver with you to change and try different adjustments to find your favourite stance.
If you follow the advice below, you can improve your control of the board and enjoy your day on the snow cmpletly! 

Here are the variables to take into account when adjusting the stance: 

1) Are you "Regular" or "Goofy"?
2) Stance Width: The distance between the front and back foot. 
3) The binding angle
4) The angle of the High Back 
5) Position "Set back" or "centred"?

how to choose your stance on a snowboard, advice by Wed'ze
regular or goofy?

1) Regular or goofy? 

One of the first things you need to know to adjust your stance is the foot you put forwards when you go down. 

- "Regulars" place their left foot forwards.

- "Goofies" put their right foot forwards.

To find out more, read our article about on this topic.

If you are a beginner, you might prefer adjusting your bindings with the two feet angled outwards to enable you to practice both ways.

2) Stance "width"

Stance is a very personal adjustment.

As a first setting, you can use the length between your heel and your knee (which is on average 0.285 times your height). After your first sessions, you can adjust it depending on your feel.

To help you, snowboards have a recommended stance marker. When you first use it, we recommend sticking to the "recommended stance". You can then change your position depending on your sensations.

The wider the stance, the more stable you will be on your board.

Conversely, the narrower it is the easier it will be for you to switch from one edge to another.

  • Freeride snowboard

    For on-piste / off-piste use

    => If you want to widen your stance, we recommend you shift the rear binding back. You will increase setback (the rider is further back on the board), which will increase power on the back of the board on piste, and buoyancy on powder snow as the weight of the person will be further back and the front will lift, letting the snow rush under the board.

    => If you want to shorten the stance, it is best to move the front binding back, for the same reason, keeping the rider's weight further back.

  • snowboard modules

    For freestyle use

    We recommend moving the 2 bindings to keep the weight of the rider 100% centred on the board:

    => If you want to widen the stance, move the 2 bindings apart.

    => If you want to narrow the stance, move the 2 bindings closer.

snowboard bindings angle

3) Binding angle

Adjusting the angle of binding opening also depends on your riding style and where you ride.


Your bindings must be in "duck stance". This normally means that your snowboard bindings must be at -15° and +15°. This type of setup (adjustment) will enable you to ride both ways, "forwards" and "switch", rotate and ride on modules.


Your front foot will be further back and open compared to a freestyle "setup". We recommend that you go for 20°/18° on the front foot and 0° on the back foot.

Remember that binding angle is very subjective, you need to try and find what feels right for you when you ride.

How to choose your stance and why do you need to know?

4) Highback angle

Generally, freestylers prefer a less angled highback (forwards) as it is more tolerant and forgiving.

For carving or a more aggressive style, more angle forwards is generally preferred.

The advantage of an angled highback is that it makes you bend your knees to lower your centre of gravity and better control turns.

how to choose your stance on a snowboard, advice by Wed'ze

5) Setback or centred?

Setback bindings are further back compared to the middle of the board.

It enables you to lift the board off the snow, making it easier to slide in powder snow and make the experience more pleasant. Once again, it is a preference and there are no rules on the settings you use. It's best to try to find the ideal setback that will provide the best sensations!

You can find this type of set back insert on Freeride boards, whereas versatile Freestyle boards have symmetrical inserts to place the bodyweight at the centre of the board. More comfortable to take off!

To be well-equipped:

Now that stance holds no secrets from you, head to the slopes to find the best setting.Enjoy your ride!

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How to choose your stance and why do you need to know?

Philippe tiercin

DREAMSCAPE product manager and passionate about snowboard.

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