Tips to avoid sore feet in your ski boots

No longer sore feet in your ski boots:tips and tricks

Being in the middle of nature, amazed by the panorama, bingeing on all the extraordinary sensations: for you, skiing is totally awesome… Or not at all!Tired of spoiling your skiing days with sore feet in your ski boots? Between small adjustments, enlightened choices and thermoforming, discover our tips for feeling good in your ski boots and in top form on the slopes.

Wedze's advice to feel good in your ski boots:

Even if you only ski once a year, your choice of ski boots is fundamental for your comfort and the pleasure you will have when you hit the slopes.

So think first of all about yourself and your needs. You must take into account all of the following points to be sure that you make the right choice:
- Your size
- Your level
- They type of skiing you want to do
- Your morphology: you may need a lot of volume, a wide cuff (large calf), an important width (wide foot) or on the contrary a boot for slim feet.

Above all, do not hesitate to try everything so that you can compare!

Did you know?

There are 3 different types of feet.

Do not hesitate to ask your sales advisers in your Decathlon store what they can do for you and which boot you should choose according to your feet.

  • Tips to avoid sore feet in your ski boots

    Normal foot type

    With a normal foot type, you will have no problem finding a ski boot that suits you.

  • Tips to avoid sore feet in your ski boots

    Flat foot type

    With flat feet, you may need to have awider foot or a specific insole.

  • Tips to avoid sore feet in your ski boots

    A talipes cavus foot type

    With this type of foot, it is possible that you will need amade to measure boot .

the importance of ski socks

1/ Feeling good in your boots: the importance of ski socks

Even if you paid close attention to the choice of your ski boot, if you don't have the right socks, you risk spoiling your best skiing moments.

Morgan, skiman for more than 20 years, explains to us why it is important to ski wearing ski socks:

“It seems obvious to us, but it is not necessarily for everyone: to ski you need ski socks,but not just sports socks. Ski socks are designed to hold the foot in place inside the ski boot, provide grip on the inside and thus maximize transmission. Certain zones are reinforced to minimize friction, remove certain discomfort, avoid compression ... and sometimes even help venous return, and allow you to ski longer without getting tired! In short, ski socks only have advantages.”

  • Compressed feet:fine socks

    Do you get cold feet, feeling of pins and needles or heat, cramps? Your feet are too compressed. A thinner sock will prevent compression, allow good blood circulation, and therefore heat will circulate , your feet will be irrigated and the sensations will be better. Less fabric for more comfort.

  • Frictions, painful malleolus: thicker socks

    Painful malleolus is often a sign of too much volume inside your ski boot around the ankle. You can wear thicker sockswhich will often solve this little problem. If not, it's maybe time to look at your boot adjustment again.

  • Tibia support: reinforced socks

    Certain socks are equipped with a thicker zone on the tibia to avoid discomfort that can be caused by pressing on the tongue of your ski boot.

By combining the right thickness, the reinforcements, a material and an intelligent and adapted knit, the right pair of socks can save you a lot of worries and save your day skiing.

2/ The right adjustment to feel great in your boots

To be comfortable in your boots and on your skis, everything is important: have the right boots, the right socks, also the right adjustments, to find the right balance between support, performance and comfort.

  • An evolutive adjustment

    For Cédric, ski instructor at La Clusaz (French Alps), the best adjustment is when youadjust as the day goes on: “The foot adapts to the boot, the shell relaxes or contracts depending on the temperature, the liner itself settles a little during the day. Do not hesitate to tighten or loosen your buckles as soon as you feel any discomfort or you need extra support, this is the best way to stop any discomfort setting in ".

  • An adjustment to the last micro-metre!

    Many models of ski boots are equipped with buckles with a micro-metric adjustment: the buckle can be extended to allow more volume or, on the contrary, tightened for better support. The ratchet can also be moved to gain volume, essential for example when you have a slightly strong calf or a very pronounced instep.

3/ Thermoforming: for a made to measure liner

You have tried everything, but the discomfort continues? The thermoforming is THE miraculous solution. Some ski boots are equipped with liners that can be heated to make them more malleable and shaped to your foot, ankle, calf. You might think that this is mad.And yet, by carrying out this operation, you will be able to modify the shape of your liners to adapt them better to your feet, create volume where you need it to relieve compression points.And do you know what? We give you the recipe to thermoform your liners on your own!

If you need to go a little further in thermoforming by creating more volume in specific zones, do not hesitate to inquire in a Decathlon store and speak to your ski boot advisers.It is possible to put “pads” in certain places where discomfort can persist to really create a liner perfectly suited to your foot and the way you ski.

Do you need more comfort or performance?

Certain morphological features need to be corrected or supported by specific insoles and may require a visit to a chiropodist.

And when all these tips are not enough, the solution to find a little serenity in your ski boots can be the bootfitter, a ski boot specialist capable of thermoforming a liner or deforming a shell to adapt your boot to your foot.

To be well-equipped:

So, would you like to test your boot adjustment with your new thermoformed liner? So hit the piste and even off-piste, and share with us what worked for you!

No longer sore feet in your ski boots: tips and tricks.


Wedze communication team, made up of skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts

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