wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems

Top 6 little problems you might have on your ski holiday!

Aaaahhhh skiing holidays! We're waiting for them all year round and we love them. Well, let's admit it, we have all encountered some little problems.Not enough to spoil our holiday and our passion for skiing or snowboarding but just enough to make us laugh. For you, we have put together our TOP 6 of these little adventures, and you know what, there is a solution for each one! We give you our advice for a successful skiing holiday!

Top little problems you might have on your ski holiday!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems

The snowy roads to get to the ski resort

For the brave who go to ski resorts by car... after the first miracle of being able to close the boot of the car with all the suitcases in, comes the mountain road test!And often, the sky has decided to spice up the journey with snow. So yes, it is a sign that the snow will be fresh and great, but at that exact moment when your car is bursting at the seams, and you've stopped moving because you are stuck in the middle of the road, it's not easy to find the positive side at that precise moment!

Our tip: do not leave without the suitable equipment in case of snow: snow chains must always be in the boot of the car and easily accessible! We also advise you to practice putting them on at home before leaving, this will prevent you from having to struggle with them when the time comes.

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday

Did you know?

During heavy snowfalls, certain roads that take you up to the ski resorts are prohibited for vehicles that do not have special equipment. It would be silly to get stuck in the valley and leave the fresh snow to others! Come on, get yourself motivated and go and buy those snow chains!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems

The ski pass that doesn't function

Do you feel the stress rising when you go past the ski pass gate? And why is it always yours that doesn't work? And the impatient people behind you add a little more stress. In short, you are stuck there, at the entrance to paradise!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems

Our tip:

First, make sure you don't have any old ski passes in your pocket. All ski pass gates are on the left, which means you need to put your ski pass in your left side pocket. In the right side pockets, you can put your mobile, credit card and wallet. Never put your ski pass with your mobile or credit card.

And to make life easier, there are ski pass pockets on the left sleeve of your ski jacket! Slip your ski pass inside and then you just have to reach out. You will see, it is so much easier, and no more stress with the ski pass that the gate can't detect!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems

Going up the drag lift with a snowboard

As we all know, drag lifts have traumatized generations of beginners but especially snowboarders! We can concentrate as much as we can, even stop breathing and give it the best we can … bang it's so easy to find ourselves on the ground. And we desperately cling on to the boom. Why?We don't know, bad reflex, but we've all done it (or have seen it being done).

Our tip:

Falling from the ski lift is okay, it happens to everyone and that's how you learn. Some drag lifts are more difficult, and it is most often indicated. In case of doubt, the boom operator at the departure of the drag lift will be able to inform you.

Also, don't hesitate to take a few hours of lessons with an instructor who will give you good advice. And don't forget, if you fall, LET GO OF THE BOOM!

If you want to start snowboarding, we give you some video tips to get you started here

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday

Don't lose your glove (or anything else) on the chairlift

Who has never lost something on the chairlift? Poles, gloves, beannies, ski goggles, skis, cereal bars, mobiles,… you can find a little bit of everything under the chairlifts!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday.

Our advice:

The first things is that you need to be carefulwith your gloves, there are many models with straps or elastics to put around your wrists.Practical, you can no longer lose your gloves!

And to finish off, the best tip is to never take out something from your backpack when on a chairlift. Instead, wait until you get to the top to get out your cereal bar, your camera, your water bottle or to answer your phone.This will save you from regretting it! If you lose something under a chairlift and want to retrieve it, take the time to think about it because some passages are very difficult or even inaccessible.No need to put yourself in danger!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday.

Walking with ski boots on

Walking with ski boots on yes, it's a bit difficult, you have to get used to it. Please note, ski boots can slip so beware of the small patches of ice just waiting for you around the corner or on the terrace of an altitude restaurant.

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday.

Our tip:

To make it easier to walk, loosen your buckles a little. On certain ski boots there is a "walk" mode which allows you to have a "walking" position. It will be easier and more comfortable to walk!

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems


Falling on skis or with a snowboard can happen to everyone, even the best! No panic and no shame to have!However, putting yourself in danger is out of the question.

Our tip: do not overestimate yourself and stay on the slopes adapted to your level.Also, don't hesitate to take ski lessons to get the good techniques. The most important thing is to know how to control your speed and to be able to stop when you need to. Finally, don't forget to wear a ski helmet.

Wed'ze's advice, ski and snowboard by decathlon

Did you know?

As for on the road, there is a ski code to respect. Take a few minutes to remind yourself of the right rules:

wedze's tips so that you don't have any problems during your skiing holiday.

The skiing holiday suntan

Are you already thinking about the tan that you are going to bring back to the office on Monday to flaunt in front of the colleagues? Yes, and we hope you get one :) But on the other hand, don't forget that the combination of snow and altitude makes the effects of UV rays all the more dangerous. Indeed, for each section of 1.000 M of altitude, the proportion of U.V increases by 10%. So the higher you go, more U.V. you'll find. By spending your vacation at 2,500 m, you will be exposed to an additional 25% UV compared to in the valley.

Top 6 little problems you might have on your ski holiday!


Wedze communication team, made up of skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts

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